Saturday, September 14, 2013

We set up a table to sell brownies and pink lemonade today during our yard sale.  We raised $68 to send to Fredy, the 5 year old boy we sponsor in Guatemala.  Mom and Dad are really proud of us.
Evan's sign says, "Fredy!  Guatemala!  Please donate."  The sign next to it has Fredy's picture and tells a little about where he's from.  This was all the boys' idea and set-up.


  1. That is AWESOME, boys! May you always keep that heart of giving (and serving) cheerfully!!

  2. Evan and Nathan,
    This clip brought tears to my eyes. I am sooooooo proud of you both. What beautiful hearts you have. I know all grandparents think their grandchildren are the best, but NONE can compare to MINE!!!!!!!!!!
    Love you and miss you lots. Can't wait to see you in October.
    Love, Oma

  3. Cool, boys. I'm so glad you have generous hearts.
